Things are bright, I can see and having all those thing in
a glance,
I fulfill my life with no regret while the world became
Then I know it’s almost dark, time to go home across
traffic jam,
Office was closed; my friend comes and goes,
I was starting a trial of faith and never
told about my faith,
Even unconfessed it; until I arrived at
while I come up front my room; an old Man, sitting and crying,
A blond
long hair and faded face; His tears yield blood,
He spoke before I started,
“My beloved son, I had been waiting and am suffering,
What have I done until you leave me?”
I was saying unto you if you go along with me, you shall be
I’m saying,” Father, do I recognize you before.”
suddenly surprising you come while my room’s locked.
face is like someone I know.
Son, I’m your Father, an old Man you love, you adore, you
I named you with my affection, sacrifice and faith
When you’re born, I bathe you by a gorgeous name,
A name that is a token you are mine.
has blinded your eyes, you couldn’t see me anymore
don’t see me how much I love you, how much I care
I give
all you need, but you forgot a word you said
You are My precious son, and
always be
I’m staring at Him, how much He hurts
He’s so painful, His tears were no end
I’ll try to express my mistake and saying, “Father, I have
done by mistaken all I have to do is going wrong,
There is a gold I can buy but there is a thing I can’t buy
in You. Forgive me; give me an opportunity to change
If it couldn’t buy your merciful, I promised tomorrow shall
withdrawn from my works and even I drown into a poverty I will dress my name
you give”
stopped crying and telling, “You may not leave your work, but dressed the name
I give to you
you shall be healing my pain.”
I am
your Father; a trial I provide to you will not be higher than your prosperity,
more you’re searching for me, the more I’m hiding but close to you,
more you’re success, the more trials within your faith
more you believe in Me, the more strengthen of belief you accept.